Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gearing Up

Gearing Up!

12 Week Body Transformation Pre-Season Task 4

Task four of the 12WBT is 'Gearing Up'. This task was a much easier one, well, apart from the fact that it seems to have inspired an intense desire to go out and spend spend spend, which I am NOT allowed to do (I'm saving up for end of round treats, not allowed food treats and the alternatives are much more expensive ;)). It's all about planning to succeed. Making sure you have the right tools to make the job as easy as possible and to eliminate as many excuses as possible. In reality the number of things you actually need to get fit is pretty small, but there are a heck of a lot of wants in there too.

It was all about planning where you are going to train:


and then making sure that all the equipment needed is on hand.

Well, for me, I prefer to train outside as much as possible and as my main fitness goal is a half marathon then a lot of my sessions are going to involve pounding the pavements and I'm pretty well set up for that. New running shoes, tick, Heart Rate Monitor/GPS, tick, water bottle, tick, running clothes, tick (a whole cupboard full much of which hasn't seen the outdoors for a long time, it's almost (almost I said) as good as having new kit).

There may be times in the next 12 weeks that I need to revert to training indoors, if my husband is away for example, so if and when that occurs I'll be heading off to the shops to get some workout DVD's. One DVD I want to get anyway is some kind of Pilates program so I'll be looking around for a good one as a treat for hitting my 1 month goals (which I am going to do!).

lthough I don't have a problem with the gym, and I live in an apartment building with a gym, I much prefer to be outdoors, however the gym will come in handy for targetted strength work especially in the evenings if it is dark/cold/wet etc. so I will aim to get in there at least once a week, but if I can't get there I have a fit ball and some weights at home and even though we live in an apartment we still have stairs!!! so if all else fails I'll just have to run up and down them a few times after the children have gone to bed.

For me I think the key to keeping motivated with my exercise will be variety.

The other kind of gear is food/weightloss related, I have enough to make do in the kitchen, but I think I might have to invest in a good set of body composition scales. I also need to choose/set up a journal to record food intake, exercise and everything else related to the challenge.

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