Another step in the makeover process.
Well, I’ve been fairly slack on the posting front but things are going well on the 12WBT front, a loss of 4.5kg so far, halfway to my goal weight for this program. I feel great, a little tired but that’s not related to the 12WBT, just a few late nights backed up with early mornings, and small children who think that sleep is a four letter word.
On the food front, I’ve veered away from the program a bit in the last week or so, but what’s really great is that I’ve begun to identify where I was going wrong with my eating before hand. I eat a relatively healthy diet (although never enough veggies) and I eat sensible meal portions, but I am caught out every time by chocolate and lollies/sweets. It’s not an emotional eating thing, more a boredom thing. When I am bored the first thing I do is head to the fridge and check if there’s anything good to eat.
So the solution is easy, no chocolate, lollies, biscuits or cakes in the house. I will still snack on cheese and crackers but at least I am getting protein and calcium there, or grapes/fruit, but at least I am getting some fibre and vitamins.
Here’s a picture of my favourite lunch so far, I think I’m going to have it again today :).
Lentil and Beetroot salad with Feta Cheese, snowpea sprouts and spinach.
Today’s lunch, delicious again, although I missed the carbs a little this time. All going well so far. The first weigh in was this morning and I’m 0.6kg down, since Sunday, so a great start, some people are posting big losses already but I’m happy with my little loss, just hoping to keep going at a similar rate for the next 11 weigh ins.
I have been feeling hungry, but I think it’s mostly in my head because I feel hungry straight after eating a huge plateful of food which can’t be right. Apparently the hungry feelings pass after a week or so, here’s hoping that’s true! The food has been fantastic so far, so tasty and obviously healthy. Chicken and a million veggies for tea tonight with a mustard sauce, trialled it last week so I know it’s a good one.
The exercise is going well, over 2000 calories burnt for the week already. Running, Strength training, core work, tick tick tick.
So here it goes, week 1 day one, I’m hungry, only in my head though, breakfast was good (muesli with milk and a banana) and lunch was delicious.
Carrot tabouleh and hummous wraps. A great start to week one, and I know dinner will be good (Chicken with veggies and a mustard sauce) because I make it as a practice meal a couple of days ago.
Today will be a core and stretch day for me, I’ve jiggled my program around to fit half marathon training in as well as keeping the core and strength sessions and some circuit training as well.
I’m feeling good about it so far, the pre-season has been valuable but I think makes the first day feel a little less exciting, even though I’ve not been good with my food for the last couple of weeks, just been exercising more. I’m mainly looking forward to having an excuse to prepare food that the family wouldn’t normally eat (but that I love) as I’ve spent the last few years eating chicken and pasta.
So here it goes.
I am committed to putting my all into my workouts and not slacking off with excuses as I always have in the past. I am committed to not settling for an OK time when I could have a great time if I put the effort in. I am committed to not stopping at 12 reps if I can do 16, to continually raising the bar in order to progress not stagnate. I am committed to burning calories and burning muscles. I am committed to fueling my body for health and exercise and I am committed to cutting out the crap.
This is my committment to you and to myself.
So that's it, I have to do it now. No backing down. I AM COMMITTED.
But am I? I still have a lot of self-doubt, I'm not good at dieting, I don't really believe in diets, and I know, it's a lifestyle not a diet, I know the theory, but in reality it involves restricting some of my regular (not healthy) foods and eating more of the good stuff, so it is a change in diet. I need to get my head around the change to make it work, I'm going to go back to excuses again (and I suspect again) until I make it right. I want this to be a success.